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Just heard from Shakeel.

There's much to report from the Sindh team as they ministered in villages and cities in the general region of Hyderabad throughout August and September.

Monsoon rains this time of year made travel to these locations difficult and sometimes impossible, but as the floods subsided, they ventured out and found many in need. They helped where they could and prayed and encouraged those who had suffered loss.

After preaching at our church in Khairpur about Jesus calming the sea, Shakeel reports this (in his words):

"Some new families from Hinduism came  and brought their 18 year old daughter for prayer. When we started praying, we found an evil spirit  in her, and in Jesus Christ's name she was freed from this bad spirit. So the faith of the family become stronger in Him. Praise the Lord. Amen."

Also there were three people baptized by Rustam and Shakeel. We are thankful for the willingness of these believers to commit publicly to following Jesus.

There were meetings for worship, prayer, and teaching in Korki and Kumb.

Shakeel is preaching at Korki in the picture below. With him in serving that area is Brother Naroo.

Shahzaib is ministering day-by-day in Sanghar. The pictures below show him first teaching the children . . .

. . . and then the adults who join in after the children's message. Shahzaib is planting a church in this fairly new area and it is growing in numbers and in depth week-by-week.

The Sindh team meets regularly with Christians and seekers at a number locations. They also reach out to other villages where there is no consistent gospel message, sharing the love and truth of Jesus.

"Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and good success in the sight of God and man." - Proverbs 3:3-4


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