A Growing Church in Dhamokay
Adnan, a member of the Reach the Nations team in Pakistan, is pastoring a church he started a few years ago in Dhamokay.
Christians in the community built a church building ten years ago, hoping it would serve as a place to worship and learn. Over the first few years, various evangelists visited the church on occasion to preach and teach, and nearly seven years ago Adnan felt the call to begin with a few believers and build a congregation to the glory of God.
Because he had other responsibilities at the time, he visited the fledgling congregation at Dhamokay as often as possible. But it wasn't until three years ago, when he joined the RTN team, that he has been able to work with this church as its full-time pastor.
Adnan began with between 15 and 20 members. And today, he says, "Thanks to God, we now have nearly 100 members in this church."
The church has an active Sunday School with four teachers working with 60-70 children each week. They also have a music program with a choir and two worship leaders.
Distributing food during the pandemic
Adnan is the spiritual leader, but others take on responsibilities for the building and the finances. They have a treasurer, referred to as a Cashier, who pays the bills for building upkeep, utilities, and other miscellaneous matters.
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In addition to the church sanctuary, they have access to a large meeting room (Convention Center) where they can hold outreach events and church conferences.
With this facility and under Adnan's leadership, Adnan says, "We are trying to reach the people and villages who are near our church."
He goes on to say, "Our purpose is to win souls for Christ and to search for lost ones. Then, we teach and train new believers so they can be strong in the Lord Jesus Christ."
Adnan asks that we pray for him, his wife, Reena, and children, Joshua and Jerusha.
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” - Matthew 28:19-20