Provision in a Time of Crisis

We were all concerned when we heard of the urgent need for food in the outlying villages of Punjab and Sindh during the COVID-19 quaranatine which continues there. Thanks to many who contributed, we are now delivering food, once a month, to families who had no place to turn for help.
Mehboob and Adnan are shown here praying with a family to whom they are delivering food - primarily rice, beans, lentils, oil, and flour. With each delivery, they ministered to the families and assured them of God's love and care for them.

Some, Mehboob reported, had no food in their homes at all. He is letting them know that Christians in America have cared enough to provide for them in this time of great need.
More from Mehboob: "All the families are saying they feel so blessed with this food because during this difficult time nobody came to help them But because of our visit, they now know we have been helping them spiritually and now are helping them practically."
We thought you might like to see the little delivery truck Mehboob, Adnon, and Irfan rented to carry the food packages to the remote villages: