Hearing the Word
Here, in his own words (slightly edited for clarity) is Shakeel's report on last week's outreach into Hindu Villages around Hyderabad:
Audio NT Sindhi Language:
We are now able to share the word of God through an audio New Testament in the Sindhi language. Most of the people in these small villages cannot read, but these audio Bibles give them a chance to hear the New Testament read in their own language and, in hearing, to understand much more about God's message.
Many are requesting more of these audio Bibles which we hope to provide soon.
Pir Bhudro:
RTN ministries wants to meet not only spiritual needs, but also physical needs when they arise. It is mosquito season in this area and there are so many of these insects that people cannot sleep without mosquito nets. We are providing them to those who do not have them. These nets not only help to provide sleep, but also help to protect from the diseases carried by mosquites.
In Pir Bhudro, I preached from John 8:1-11 which tells of the scribes and the Pharisees who brought to Jesus a woman who had been caught in adultery; and making her stand before all of them, they said to him, "Teacher, this woman was caught in the very act of committing adultery. Now in the law Moses commanded us to stone such women."
I taught them that when we see our own sins, then we realize how much we are sinners. At that point, we will stop watching others and blaming others because we will realize that only Jesus Christ has authority to forgive sins and release and save someone. Jesus Christ is only the way, truth and life, no one can come to father without Him. (from John 14:6)
We held a worship service in Korki and the topic of the teaching was to “Love each other” (John 13:34) and “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
It is very important for Christ followers love one another. We are told here to love with the love God has shown by sending His own son. It will be hard, but we can do what God is asking here to do - it's not impossible to do as Jesus commanded.
We also handed out mosquito nets in Korki to those who needed them.
Kumb: (at our church building)
Many of those in attendance has never heard about Palm Sunday, It was a new experience for them to hear of Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem.
I preached from Matthew 21:1-11, explaining that one week before His resurrection, Jesus was welcomed as a King would be welcomed in that day. People were shouting and laying down the tree branches and clothes when Jesus Christ came in riding on a donkey's colt. In humbleness and to fulfill prophecy, He had chosen to ride on a donkey. The crowd was hoping that Jesus was coming to rescue them politically and free them nationally, but Jesus had come to save them spiritually. He had come to save the lost (Luke 19:10).
This is wheat harvest time here in Pakistan and our church people and others where we are working are busy in the fields. For that work, some have gone to others villages and some are staying at home, but they are all working day and night in the fields. So for the next month of harvest, we are adjusting our visits to reach people as we can.
The Reach the Nations team is grateful for the work Shakeel and Rustam are doing in the village outreach ministry. They are teaching God's Word and finding new and better ways to help the people grow in their walk with God. God is blessing the work, in part, because of your prayers. Please continue to pray for these young men and the men, women, and children they are reaching with the Good News!