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Learning to Read

We want you to meet Zarish, shown below with Manzoor, Reach the Nations' liaison and advisor in Islamabad.

Zarish is certified as a teacher of adult literacy in Urdu and is helping Reach the Nations realize a long-held vision of establishing a literacy program in Pakistan.

We are happy to announce that the training program was launched just two days ago. The first class consists of 16 women meeting at a church in Islamabad. The class will be held three days a week from 4 to 6 p.m. We anticipate that more students will join and eventually other sessions will be added to Zarish's schedule.

The women were excited to receive their books and learning materials and have committed to studying hard throughout the course.

Please pray for Zarish has she teaches and for these women as they learn.

And, if you wish to know more about how you can support this literacy program, please follow the link to our GoFundMe page (please note that you do not need to add a GoFundMe "tip". Simply go to "other" and put in 0). Even a small donation will make a big difference in Pakistan:

"I can do all things through him who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13


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