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Propenagara women gather in this borrowed hall for prayer. Mehboob reports that in winter weather, it is very difficult to travel to Propenagara by motorbike because of the low temperatures. The town is picturesquely situated beside a canal and fields.


Mehboob preaches in the above photo in the outreach area of Banawala where several Christian families are living in a strongly Muslim area. Both Mehboob and Adnan see it as vitally important to visit these believers to encourage them to be strong in the Lord.

In Banawala, Adnan also teaches from God's Word to build people up in the faith.

Bajle Mohallah

In Bajle Mohallah the people gathered for prayer in one of the homes in the village. You will notice by the dress and blankets that it is winter in Pakistan now. While it is warm a great deal of the time in this area, winters can be very cold.

Dhamo Kay

DhamoKay is an area in Punjab where RTN has access to a beautiful church building where Adnan pastors. Mehboob says, "People are very faithful in Christ and worship the Lord Jesus Christ and listen the word of God carefully."

“May he equip you with all you need for doing his will. May he produce in you, through the power of Jesus Christ, every good thing that is pleasing to him. All glory to him forever and ever! Amen.” - Hebrews 13:21


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