Village Visits in Sindh
In the past few weeks, Rustam and Shakeel visited Korki and Kumb. Here are a few photos showing their ministry there:
In Korki, Shakeel taught about the paralyzed man who was let down through the roof by his friends so he could see Jesus (Mark 2). He talked about the objection of the religious leaders that Jesus said the man's sins were forgiven. Shakeel concluded his teaching saying, "Jesus says that he has the authority to forgive sins and then proves it by healing the paralyzed man."
In Kumb the teaching was about the miracle of the loaves and fishes as told in Matthew 14. Here's part of Shakeel's message, "When we bring something to Him, the result is that we also get something more from God. We should present what we have and see the blessings of God in return."
Shakeel also went to Gularchi, a village he had not visited before. He ministered in this area with Pastor Shakir who is from Hyderabad.
In Gularchi, Pastor Shakir taught about the power of prayer and used as an example the woman who was healed from her bleeding. Jesus told her she was healed because of her faith.
Please pray for these men as they evangelize and teach that God's Word will be received and many will come to faith in Jesus Christ.
"So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ." - Romans 10:17