Live-Saving Food!

You have read about the need for food in Pakistan amid the COVID-19 crisis. The evangelism and church planting work of Reach the Nations has been among Christian and Hindu villages in Sindh and Punjab. These people are those who are suffering the most because, as minority religions, they have been denied access to governmental and Islamic food distributions and are now in dire need.
As we have mentioned before, most of the people served by RTN are day-laborers, meaning they work for the day, receive their pay, then purchase food and go home to eat with their families. If they have no work (and most of the day-laborer jobs have been shut down by government quarantine), they receive no pay, and cannot buy food

Thanks to the generositiy of many, RTN is now able to provide food for those most in need in these villages. These photos show Mehboob (below), who leads the ministry in Punjab, as he and his team (Irfan and Adnan) purchase food in bulk and repackage it for distribution to 30 families in the Punjab villages.

In Mehboob's words: "Thank you so much all you people of God who are very supportive, caring and feeling pain of their Brothers and Sisters in Pakistan." Here is Mehboob's video message of thanks:
We will post pictures of the food distribution and the families who benefit as soon as we receive them. Shakeel will begin food distributions in the Province of Sindh next week and we will update you on that as well.
We are so thankful for the many of you who contributed to help save lives in Pakistan. But, this is about more than food. Every package is delivered in the name of Jesus and expressing the love of fellow Christians in the U.S. who are reaching out to their brothers and sisters in need.