But, there's a village . . .

Adnan has been working with Reach the Nations for several years now and has established a thriving church in Dhamonke (aka Dhamokay).
Nearly six years ago when Adnan started to work in Dhamonke, there were 20 to 25 people who attended a worship/prayer service regularly as a small church body. Now the Dhamonke church has 70 to 80 in attendance week by week.
They also have three Sunday School workers teaching about 50 children each Sunday.
There are people putting their faith in Christ regularly, so the church holds baptism services twice each year. The pictures in this post are from just a couple of weeks ago.
Discipling new believers is also something Adnan does regularly. Presently, he is taking three young people, Raesheb, Waqas, and Fahad deeper into the Word and teaching about living the Christian life. He asks that we pray for these three young men.

But, there's a village with people who need to hear. So Adnan now has started a small work in Dharweshkay where he goes once a week to preach and teach. There are five families meeting together to worship and learn.

But, there's another village with people who need to hear. So Adnan is going to Sabosra regularly as well, ministering to three families and sharing the Gospel with others.
We are so thankful for Adnan and the Punjab team as they begin with a home church and reach out to communities around them - just as Jesus said.
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” - Acts 1:8