Preaching, Baptizing, Helping
Shakeel reports that the weather remains hot in Pakistan, over 100 degrees Farenheit on most days, but "by the Grace of God we are able to visit the places where RTN ministry is working."

Apparently June is a big month for weddings in Pakistan as well as in the United States. Shakeel says there were four weddings in one community and, while some were gone to attend those weddings, others chose to remain for the church service instead and some who went, returned early for the Sunday service. In every area of the world, there are choices to be made about how we use our time. Weddings are important celebrations, but we are pleased that many were able to also make worship a priority.

In every place Shakeel and Rustam went, they delivered mosquito netting to those who didn't have it. Protection from flying insects helps to prevent the spread of disease and allows people to get some sleep!
Rustam preached in three of the four villages they visited this month. He is being encouraged to develop the ministry gifts God has given him and the people are responding favorably.

In Khairpur, Shakeel taught biblical financial principles to a small group of people, explaining to them God's directive for tithing, offering, and giving from Malachi 3:10.
In Korki, Rustam preached on four of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:12-15)
“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.
“You shall not murder.
“You shall not commit adultery.
“You shall not steal.

Pir Bhudro:
Rustam also preached in Pir Bhudro, this time from Matthew 6:14-15 on the topic of forgiveness.
Qandar Bux Bhurdari:
Shakeel delivered the sermon in Qandar Bux Bhurdari and the topic was faith in Jesus Christ with the message taken from the miracle of Jesus healing the bleeding woman as told in Mark 5.

Of this miracle, Shakeel says, "This teaches us a faith in Jesus Christ, that our faith gives us healing from sickness and Jesus is the one who has power and authority to set us free from sins, sickness and also restore us like that woman who believed that by touching cloth of Jesus Christ she would be healed."
People from the village of Kumb came to the RTN church building in Khairpur to hear Rustam preach on John 14: 1-4. His sermon was titled, "Jesus Comforts His Disciples"
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.”

We rejoice with Shakeel as he and a pastor friend baptize a man in Kotri who has converted from Hinduism to following Jesus Christ. Shakeel says, "I preached to him at this time of baptism about eternal life, new life and salvation."

Thank you for your continued prayers for Rustam and Shakeel and for the work of God in these primarily Hindu villages. Some of the scattered seeds are beginning to grow and some are bearing fruit. We are thankful to the God who calls and saves!