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Literacy Program Expands

Good news! When Peter Negron was recently in Pakistan, he was able to visit a new location for expansion of the literacy program Reach the Nations is sponsoring in Islamabad.

It was hard to find through the dark streets, but, finally they saw students behind a brightly lit window.

The new teacher is Waris George and is shown here with Peter. Waris is the pastor of the church where the class will meet, and he has been trained specifically in the teaching of basic literacy skills to Urdu speaking people.

He will be assisted by the gentleman at the podium (gray suit with black turtleneck) who has a good command of the English language and will be able to provide reports to RTN of the progress of the students.

Several students were in attendance who have pre-enrolled for the class which will begin within a couple of weeks. Peter reports that they are excited to have the chance to learn to read, write, and do basic math - a brand new opportunity for most of them.

Peter was able to share a message from the Word of God with Pastor Babar from Prayer Tower Church translating.

Pray for these students and others who will join them and pray for the teachers as they share not only skills, but also truths about knowing and following Christ.

“UntiI I come, give attention to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation and teaching.” - 1 Timothy 4:13


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