Things are changing.
We wanted to share a few photos with you of village visits made by Mehboob, Irfan, and Adnan a couple of weeks ago. These may be the last you will see until travel restrictions, enacted due to the coronavirus, are lifted in Pakistan as our men are no longer free to travel for these purposes.
Mehboob was able to visit villages this past weekend, though, in order to assess the need that is occuring now that day laborers have no work. Shakeel is doing the same assessment for the villages he and Rustam serve in Sindh. At this point, travel is still allowed on a limited basis for trying to help those with basic needs.
Both Shakeel and Mehboob will report back to us as we try to determine ways to help make sure the people to whom we minister will not face starvation. We will get more information to you as soon as we have a specific plan.
We ask that you pray for clear direction as we work to provide for those in desperate need and please pray, as well, for the people who will not have access to the leadership of the Reach the Nations teams over the coming weeks and, maybe, months. Pray that they will continue to meet on their own to read God's word aloud, to pray, and to worship.
We will close this post with the picture below of Mehboob (on right) with two Pakistani gentlemen about whom Mehboob said this, "They were sharing their testimonies about our ministry. They said they feel so happy and blessed with our prayer meetings, and also they said they understand easily the word of God and how much God loves us through our sermons."