Desert Villages

Shakeel had an opportunity to visit some desert villages recently: Mirpurkhas, Kunri, Dhoronaro, and Somaro. These villages are hard to reach, but he was able to go with the help of a friend from Mirpurkhas.

In two of the villages he was able to share the gospel message and to preach the Word of God.
He said these are Hindu communities where some have heard of Jesus and even received him at one time. But there has been no one to train them in the ways of true discipleship, so they have fallen away. Some, he says, are Christian in name only. He said they were blessed when they heard again the true teaching from God's Word.

Shakeel hopes God will open the door again for him to go back to these areas to continue to share Christ and to teach truth.

Rustam was not with him on this trip, but he was teaching in a Sunday School near his own home. Here are some pictures of his ministry with these children: