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Four Villages

Shakeel and Rustam visited four villages in the Hyderabad area last weekend. They were pleased to find that those who had migrated to harvest fields over the past several week have now returned and were hungry to hear the Word of God and to fellowship with others of like mind. What follows is a summary of teaching and building relationships in the four villages

Luke 12:13-21 The Parable of the Rich Fool.

From Shakeel: "This meeting went very well. I preached about trusting only in God while living life, because this life is from God and He has the control. We need hand over to Him whatever plans we have and stay connected with Him in all the things, in all the blessings, in all our earnings. Whether we are rich or poor, only God has control on our lives. It's important to have salvation and be in the Kingdom of God by grace of God."

Shakeel also reports that, even after many meetings in Korki, the women remained sequestered in a separate room almost as if they were hiding from him. This time was different, though. Though still in another room, they called for Shakeel to come in to pray for an elderly man who was very sick.

"That’s a big achievement for us," Shakeel says, "because their culture is very different. God is beginning to work in their hearts after our many times of struggle to reach out to them."

Pir Bhudro:

Matthew 19:14 Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.

From Shakeel: "These are powerful words from Jesus Christ to His disciples about children. Jesus loves children very much and we should, too. Also, adults should be like children because their acts show something innocent as they behave with pure hearts and loving personalities with other children. That is why Jesus Christ is saying that the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.

"We should love each other like children, we should forgive each other like children, we should gather again like children after any fighting."

Qandar Bux Bhurdri:

From Shakeel: "In this place we just spent time in fellowship and in prayer. We left one audio bible and some mosquito nets for those in need."

Please note that, for those who cannot read, these audio Bibles are providing their first resource for engaging with God's Word on their own. We are so thankful for those who are providing audio Bibles in the heart language of these villagers.

Kumb (RTN Church Building )

Matthew 6:26-34: Increasing Faith in God.

"God is so wonderful in providing for our needs. He has created us and by His will we are living by faith in Him. So we are not to worry about anything in our lives or in circumstances we face. God always cares for our needs in His time. God said 'I will never leave you nor forsake you'. Jesus Christ said 'I am with you always, to the end of the age'."

Shakeel and Rustam gave nine audio bibles in outreach during this visit. Shakeel comments, "That’s (the audio Bibles) so powerful; people are listening very much, when they go to the fields and with children when they come home. We are so blessed by their testimony about this resource."

The spoken Word. The written Word. The recorded Word. God is using all means to reach and teach the people hungry to know Him. We are grateful for all He is doing through faithful men and by the power of many prayers offered daily for this minstry. Thank you for your part in all of that!

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