Anticipating Christmas
"It is always a joy and a blessing in the ministry, but when we come to the Christmas Season it’s a wonderful month which is full of Joy everywhere in the world. We are working in the areas where it is difficult to reach and preach, but God has given us many opportunities and has made ways for His work."

These are Shakeel's words as he and Rustam continue to minister in the greater Hyderabad area, primarily in outlying villages where the God's message is rarely heard. People are coming to listen. Some are choosing to follow Christ, and many want to hear more of the biblical message. Because we have a church building in Khairpur, often meetings are held there and villagers travel to meet in this central location. And, in celebration of Christmas, Shakeel's wife holds the star that will be displayed on the church.

Earlier in December, the focus was on the villages of Jiskani and Arab Solangi Kumb. When he went to visit the village of Jiskani, Shakeel taught children about God's directive for children to obey their parents and about the commandment to honor their fathers and their mothers.
A young man, Raja, with whom Shakeel has been working is now ready to go public with his commitment to Jesus and will soon be baptized. This is a courageous decision and we are asking God to lead and protect him.

The meeting with villagers from Arab Solangi Kumb was held in our church building, which is, by now, a familiar setting for those who have been following these blog posts. There Shakeel taught about angelic visits to both Joseph and Mary and the revelation to them that Mary had been chosen by God to be the mother of God's Son, sent to earth to save people from their sins.
After the meeting, the children enthusiastically practiced for a Christmas program they will present in Khairpur on December 23.

On another note entirely, we are grateful for our church building and the opportunities it affords to have a place designated for worship and teaching. Many are coming, but there has been a need to provide bathroom facilities. We are pleased to say money has been raised to add a bathroom to our church. Rustam is gathering materials and preparing to oversee the work of construction. We praise God for ALL things, both big and small! Thanks to those of you who provided funds for this needed improvement!