Blessing Others
The Punjab team of Mehboob, Adnan, and Irfan have been busy preaching and teaching as you have read in our posts. But, in addition to teaching the Word, they also are always on the lookout for needs among the people they serve. These pictures will give you examples of how they are blessing others in Jesus's name.
There was a couple with a baby on the way and, because of a job loss, they had no money to pay to have the baby delivered. RTN, through these men, helped to pay those bills. Adnan is shown here with the healthy baby as the father looks on. We are so thankful for God's gift of new life!
Hunger is often just around the corner for many in these small villages. Both men and women have had less work because of Covid and, therefore, sometimes find themselves short of provisions for their families. The RTN team steps in to help with some basic food when a family experiences a food crisis.
At times, they serve a simple meal after a meeting, especially the prayer meetings. Those times of food and fellowship are always appreciated.
Finally, the picture below shows Mehboob giving financial aid to this young girl who wants to learn, but whose parents cannot afford the costs of books and uniform required for her to go to school. With this help, she is attending school and growing more confident and capable over time.
For all of you who give to Reach the Nations, know that your gifts are being used for the glory of God. Thank you!
"If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, 'Go in peace, be warmed and filled,' without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead." - James 2:15-17