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Smiles and Tears

Do you see the smiles? Mehboob, Irfan, and Adnan delivered food this week to a family in Punjab who has lost its source of day-to-day income because of the lock-down related to COVID-19. Their immediate needs are being met by this unexpected delivery - enough food to feed their family for an entire month.

Do you see the tears? Mehboob tells us that this woman was so overwhelmed with the gift of food that she wept as she gave thanks to God and to Reach the Nations for providing for her family in this time of need.

God is at work in this land, where the needs are always great, but especially so in this time of quarantine, which has become a life or death crisis for many families.

We are grateful to learn that businesses are beginning to open again in Pakistan and we are hopeful that very soon many of the people we are helping will be able to return to their jobs by which they can provide for their families. Please pray for them as they await opportunities for employment.

Here are two more photos of the Reach the Nations food distribution this month in Punjab. Thank you for all of you who gave to help these families and for those of you who are upholding this work in prayer. May God be glorified!

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