Islamabad: Delivering Hope

On April 27, Reach the Nations (RTN), in collaboration with United Christian Fellowship Islamabad/Rawalpindi, delivered a month's supply of groceries to 30 families in the capital city. The picture above shows two of the RTN team members, Rashid Masih and, in the background, Manzoor Masih, sharing food with a woman in desperate need during this time of COVID-19 quarantine.
It's a big project buying several weeks' worth of food for 30 families. Here is where it begins: in the grocery store:

The shop owner, impressed with the cause to help those who are hungry, provided repackaging materials at no cost. The food was then delivered to St. Thomas Church in Islamabad for distribution.

Pre-identified familes were notified to come for their food supply. Those who were not able to travel on their own were picked up and brought to the church. Those who came were registered and family sizes recorded. As they began to come, the distribution team prayed together that needs would be met and that the Kingdom of God would be expanded. They also prayed for God to bless RTN and all who sent funds to buy the much-needed food.

All who came were served, including a Muslim woman who, at age 75, is without any living family members to care for her. Pray that she will see the love of Christ in this gift of hope.

"As for me, I am poor and needy, but the Lord takes thought for me." - Psalm 40:17a