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Growing faith

Shakeel has been preaching and teaching in Hindu villages for some time now and sees interest and growth, but it's a slow process sometimes. He was thrilled this past month to have one Hindu man say to him, "I am beginning to understand what you people are preaching, to whom you are praying, and what you believe." His baby-step understanding and his desire to come back to hear more is a great encouragement to Shakeel and Rustam as they faithfully make the rounds to nearly a dozen villges outside of Hyderabad.

Others come to ask for healing for themselves or a loved one, often a child. Shakeel says he feels he is blessed when people come to him asking for prayers. Their faith is growing as they hear the Word of God week after week.

One problem remains, though, and that is that in these villages, steeped in Hinduism, there is still a great deal of idol worship. Shakeel felt convicted about that problem, so addressed it clearly by teaching about the idol worship Israel engaged in with the golden calf (as told in Exodus) and how it brought God's judgment. Shakeel challenged his listeners to live in wisdom like the man who built his house upon the rock of Jesus Christ and His Word alone and to abandon any idols or idol worship they may be participating in or exposed to.

To the people of Arab Solangi (who gathered in our church building) he preached about the woman with an issue of blood who was healed by Jesus. Afterwards three women came to ask him to pray for their healing.

Please join him in these prayers - that they would be answered, that people would be healed, and that many would come to believe in Jesus Christ as the only way to the Father in Heaven.

Pray, too, for Shakeel's wife, Benish, who is carrying their second child with a delivery planned for August 25.

And pray for weather conditions. There has been considerable rain and flooding throughout regions of Pakistan and that has meant some visits to villages had to be cancelled. Pray for the safety of the people and the ability of Shakeel and Rustam to travel among the villages with free and open access.

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