Wanting to Worship

Mehboob, Irfan, and Adnan ministered in four villages over the past few weeks and found people ready to worship and wanting to pray. The first village was Jandokay.


Mehboob and Adnan taught in each village from the book of 1 Thessalonians, drawing from their weekly online Bible studies with the U. S.-based RTN team. The people are hungry for sound Bible teaching and show eagerness to learn.

Bajle Mohallah:

Adnan is leading the assembled worshipers in a time of prayer. The Punjab team continues to visit villages, preaching and teaching in spite of Covid concerns. However, they report that those concerns are lessening as more and more Pakistanis are receiving the vaccines.

Buraj Ariyana:

These women have gathered in one of their homes in Buraj Ariyana for a time of prayer, often, Mehboob says, with tears and with a sense of the presence of the Holy Spirit.


Again, one of the brothers leads as the women in this service raise their hands in prayer. Mehboob says, "People are very thankful to God for their lives and that the RTN Team visits them on a regular basis to share the word of God, give them hope, and increase their faith through the teaching.

"He who goes out weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, bringing his sheaves with him." - Psalm 126:6





