Pictures from Punjab

One area of focus for the Reach the Nations' church-planting, disciple-growing, Gospel-preaching ministry in Punjab is the city of Daska. Mehboob and Irfan visit this area regularly to preach and teach.

This past month, they also went out to surrounding villages to encourage believers and to share the Gospel with those who would listen.

These photos give you an overview of the recent areas of ministry in the Sialkot/Daska region of Punjab.

And, while these visits are occurring, Pastor Adnan, another member of the RTN team in Punjab, continues leading the well-established church in DhamoKay.

Mehboob asks for prayer for this team and for those to whom they minister. Here is how he describes some of the day-to-day challenges they navigate in these times of economic struggle and high inflation (more than 27% this year so far): "Pakistan is facing different types of difficulties like floods, power interruptions, lack of food, and, especially, high prices of everything including the basic needs of life like foods, milk, and gas."

Please keep Adnan, Irfan, and Mehboob in your prayers in these challenging times.

"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." - Ephesians 2:10

