New Christians - now baptized.

In recent visits to the villages of Korki and Kumb, as Shakeel preached and taught, he sensed the Spirit of God moving in the hearts of several who heard the word. As he returned to Hyderabad, he asked Rustam, who lives in the area, to make some follow-up visits to these people.

We are praising God that, after further conversations with Rustam, five from these two villages prayed with Rustam, giving their lives to Jesus Christ, committing to following him as Lord. This past weekend, when Shakeel returned to minister in these villages, he and Rustam had the privilege of baptizing these five individuals as a public testimony of their new faith in Christ.

Please pray for these new believers as they are from Hindu backgrounds and public profession of Christian commitment can open them to criticism and/or antagonism from those still following the family faith. We pray they will have confidence in Christ, hunger for the Word of God, and courage if conflict comes.

"But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God." - John 1:12
