Sharing the Generous Love of God

In April, Reach the Nations was able to feed 102 families in Islamabad, Punjab, and Sindh. In May, we expanded our list to 155 families so we could include additional Christian families in need, and also to reach out to non-Christian families who also are struggling to find food in this time of job loss.

So far, we have few pictures to show you of this outreach, as the Hindu and Muslim recipients of our gifts were reluctant to have their pictures taken. But the sacks of food were gratefully received and, we pray, will reflect to them that someone cares.

When the needs are great, the opportunities also are great to share the love of Christ and the generosity of God.

Please pray with us that these outreaches will result in questions, conversations, and relationships that may have eternal consequences.

"For you (God) have been a stronghold to the poor, a stronghold to the needy in his distress." - Isaiah 25:4
