A Well-Received Seminar

This past week, Shakeel and his associate, Khalid, held a teaching seminar hosted by Emmanuel Church in the village of Kotri. Attendees were from Kotri and Hyderabad and came from a variety of churches.

Khalid spoke on salvation through Jesus Christ alone and by the grace of God and by faith alone. Shakeel spoke on Christian character and life.

It was their goal to have 50 participants, but were surprised to find that 75 came – 40 women and 35 men. Shakeel reports that the host pastor at this church said members of his church who attended the seminar are still expressing appreciation for all they were taught.

Shakeel concludes by saying, “Thanks be to God and to all who are supporting us in such a great work for God and His Kingdom. And thank you for praying. The Lord has answered our prayers.”
